BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

it sounds good

As of today, I am 12.4 weeks pregnant.  The morning sickness has been a lot better since about week 11.  Still feel touches of here and there and just about every night between 7-8pm it kicks in, but I don't have much to complain about compared to before.  I am happy to be "almost" out of the first trimester!

Today was a routine exam with Dr. Henderson.  Jason and Laine came with me.  Tanner has VBS this week; which he is enjoying very much.  We were able to hear the heartbeat today.  I don't know what I was getting a little nervous about hearing the heartbeat this morning.  I have already been able to see the heartbeat at one of my previous ultrasounds, but for some reason this morning I just started having some "what if" thoughts, and those don't do any good.  By the time we were at my appointment I wasn't nervous anymore.  Dr. Henderson found the heartbeat right away and said "it sounds good", such wonderful words to hear your doctor say.

The only other thing we have going on right now is a new vehicle search.  Last weekend we went to a Carmax dealer and looked at many potential vehicles, most of which we realized are just too small for a large family.  There, I just said it, a large family!  Sometimes it's still hard to believe that we are going to have four children.  Anyways, we narrowed the choices down to two, the Toyota Sequoia or the Honda Odyssey.  Then we were able to test drive both.  First the Odyssey, I was immediately in love.  It didn't hurt that it also had all the bells and whistles and was only a 2010.  I also liked the Sequoia, just had a nice "truck" feel about it, which we are used to.  Mark wasn't as thrilled with the Sequoia as he thought he would be though, I was surprised.  So, we think that we have settled on the Odyssey.  I don't think that I ever really thought we would have a minivan, though I have liked them for some time now.  We just know that it's going to be a great family vehicle, and something that will be really nice for my everyday life of running the kids around town.  So now we are on the hunt for the perfect used Honda Odyssey with low miles and some bells and whistles.  I am pretty excited!


  1. so what made you think Honda over Toyota, just curious because we totally preferred the Sienna when we were looking...

  2. I have a friend with the Honda minivan. She has 4 kids and three dogs and they travel a ton and camping is often on their list of preferred vacations. Also, not to give you more to think about, but my father in law has the Chrysler Town and Country (I think it is) and we love that minivan. It has great storage! If you are interested you should check it out and test drive it.

  3. That swishing heartbeat sound on the monitor is music to a mama's ears. Glad everything checked up good. Those Honda minivans are really nice, I think it would be a smart buy.
