BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, June 27, 2011

first "real" appointment

Today marked my first "real" visit to Dr. Henderson's office.  I say the first "real" appointment because I feel like I have been to his office and a few others quite a few times already, but today was the first time I was seen for a regular OB appointment.

All went well.  He reminded me that this time the c-section will be a little harder because this will be the fourth time having this surgery and there will be a lot of scar tissue and things to get through during the surgery.  I am very confident in his surgery skills though, my third c-section was my best one so far, far better than the first two (which I had a different doctor for).  My prayer for that situation is that when I do go into labor he will be the doctor at the hospital at that time.  I would really like for him to perform the surgery, and since I most likely will not make it to the scheduled c-section date I just really hope he will be there to do the surgery.  I am not looking forward to the recovery though.  That first time you stand up after having a c-section is a little scary, no feeling quite like it in the world, but then again there isn't any feeling quite like having a baby either.

The only other new thing going on right now is that I bought a pair of Sea Bands to help with my nausea.  It has been really hard to care for my family, to do even a little house work, and especially to cook.  I have been wearing them for about one day now.  I'm not sure if they help, but my day has been pretty good so far, still nauseous, but not horrible.  Maybe it's all in my head, I don't know, but maybe they really do help ease the nausea a bit.  That reminds me, time for a snack!


  1. "there isn't any feeling quite like having a baby either"...that's for sure. :) Glad your appointment went well. Hope your nausea subsides soon!
